That person is probably some local creep getting revenge since those girls parents were into the same bullchit. Becky Patty: Obviously theyre not accusing her of the homicides! You dont need a degree, credential, and a license to do this job, you know. EXCLUSIVE: Murdered Delphi teens were intended victims of 'botched' child sex kidnap plot, cops believe - as investigators dig up DEAD CAT to match hairs found on girls to alleged killer's pet. Both investigators were women. Logan identifying him also speaks volumes considering how close they were all Kirts life, But Ed Bounds makes a really terrific point about why Logan was allowed to get out of jail & do his time at homeBasically saying thats incredibly rare but for the reason even more rare (horses need a better attendee? There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership. If so, wouldnt the coroner be able to obtain DNA from the fetus? It is certainly an interesting question, is it not? Investigators are searching for the killer using their biggest clue: a recording of his voice from one of the victims' phones ordering the girls Down the Hill. Missing for 2 years at the age of 5 and reported 2 years later out of Manchester, NH. Mr Xs alibi is it true that the person who is now deceased is a police officer who committed suicide? Stupid, stupid, stupid. However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. He is not connected to this case in any way, but he helped provide context into how police connected a bullet found at the murder scene to the suspect in this case. They always came home. I guess Im not sure when he graduated. We would say it is low. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. You learn which rumors have promise and which have not panned out. All rights reserved. And my ban appeal didnt work either. Are you speculating? Do you know why FSG was there at the trails; how long hed been there; how he got there; if he drove, what sort of car he drove and where he parked it. By the way, whats a legitimate journalist? Whats a illegitimate journalist? Theres no such thing as either. Possible Harley buddies (friends who ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles), as Mike is an avid Harley rider. PERU, Ind. LE themselves have admitted that they have one smudged fingerprint. There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. Hence, following Occams, our theory is the best explanation of the facts. And Mr X was involved in a Christian teen club! Clothing soaked in blood, seen and unseen. No one has to believe me when I say LE has a main suspect, but there are number of suspects that ought to be put to rest. Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. Lets call this the intuitive hunch of an MI veteran. The case for Mr. X is as solid as ever. Why on Earth would someone stay next to their truck all through one evening and night through the next early AM and morning into the afternoon? These are simply unverified rumors. Even after the girls were recovered, Mr. X stayed around through all of the media and police hubbub for the next eight hours, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM, so his truck was out at the crime scene for 26 full hours, with Mr X presumably with it the entire time. Instead of bashing us, why dont you ask why the cops are telling us this stuff? Abby and Libby - 2 young girls murdered. (Indiana State Police) Authorities in Delphi, Indiana, have issued a fresh plea for information about a fake social media profile they suspect was used to lure two teenage girls to their deaths. Furthermore, when people say that I, Robert Lindsay, have no sources, no documents, on and on, please keep something in mind. What? We have an LE source, a detective in Indiana, who told us just that. Oh, one more thing, Jim. Richard Allen, 50, of Delphi has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Abigail J. It has those wooden, beaded seat covers. Underwear, possible two pairs, was found in the river. And at the end, Carter says, He may even be in this room right now, (he was in fact) and then looks in the complete opposite direction of Mr. X. He even brought his phone in and took it apart to reveal the GPS device in it so they could look at it. If one of the girls was pregnant, was the pregnancy a result of intercourse with Mr X? Thats good enough for us to be probative. Bottom line is our theories now are dramatically more accurate than the 85% error rate we had earlier. when you send someone a file, you retain a copy for yourself. Im not sure if pregnancy can be confirmed via autopsy before 6 weeks. I noticed your nice comment on my YouTube page, thank you so much for your reply! There was a knife sticking out of the log next to one girls head. Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. One of his many interesting hobbies was abducting and raping young women. He thinks it is Garrett Kirts. If he didnt have his keys, he could not move his truck. LE has already looked into him quite a bit, and I assume hes cleared. Join Nancy Grace for her new online video series designed to help you protect what you love most your children. Why would they deliberately contradict their own beliefs? Privacy Policy. MIAMI COUNTY, Ind. Im fooling the cops, ha ha! is the thinking. We do indeed have documents from the case. How do you know that LE has someone they believe is BG? He could have worn those boots over his jeans, and he wouldnt have gotten wet. How many times has he been cleared? One said hes a real nice guy and hes obviously a ladies man lol. Only a deer kit looks just like that. Via LE Source A, Mr. X s roommate in 2011-2012 in Delphi told LE that BG was absolutely Mr. X. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. LE actually believes BG was 49-50 years old when he committed the crime. He wasnt searching for his keys early on. I thought nobody looked like the BG in the actual video than PB (especially compared to that FB image with a deer)But now, not a chanceKirts fits that mofo better than allIts in the cheeks, the spit, etcThe cops have known for a while its him too I think. The Monon High Bridge trail attracts hunters, fishers, campers and kids hiking or just taking photos of the popular spot. Dads not talking. Why on Earth would the killer have a copy of an audio file from Libbys phone! A series of events where one girl screamed and then was quickly hit on the head with a blunt object, which we believe is a gun butt. Besides, hes the wrong age, 27-28. Suspect: Ok, you got me. A post from the horrible r/LibbyandAbby slime hole on Reddit. I found your article very interesting and thought provoking. Almost three years later, it's a mystery that still haunts the small town of Delphi, Indiana while police say the killer may walk among them. Its $20. I am not revealing the name of the main suspect here and will only refer to him as Mr. X. I also request all commenters to also refer to him as Mr. X. I do this as a simple measure to try to protect his identity. Im really worried about people bothering or harming this guy and his family. He was also scared to join her group because I was in there and he was afraid of me. You came over here after sitting over of that hate Reddit, LibbyandAbby where youve been hating on me. This makes absolutely no sense at all. All other POIs are dropped or cleared at least as being the killers themselves. Answers to questions about my credibility. Ive seen some FB exchanges from BP where like you say, she appears to be defending Mr X or at least in denial that he could be a suspect. 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. Investigators think the bodies of slain Delphi girls, Abby Williams and Libby German, were staged and moved at the crime scene, court documents obtained by The Murder Sheet podcast revealed; the show's founders joined Nancy Grace and her expert guests on Wednesday's "Crime Stories" to discuss the case. Mr. Lindsay, Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Recently moved to a small city nearby, possibly due to the heat of being a suspect in the crime. Deals with gruesome matters concerning the brutal sex murders of four female minors - mostly about two young teenage girls aged 13 and 14 but also a bit about related murders of two little girls aged 8 and 10. Would love to join the private group. This would explain how he could control two teens from running away as well as using a fake gun and badge. Newly-obtained transcripts were released shortly after the fifth anniversary of the deaths of Abby Williams and Liberty German, two young girls who were murdered in Delphi, Indiana, in 2017. The killings of teens Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14, in February 2017 have . I saw the local Delphi News footage from the week of the murders where they interview Ron Logan while they are actually searching his property. The girl could well have been his high school freshman girlfriend. I have joined the group on face book #Delphi Murders. Any info you can get us on this will be much appreciated! Meanwhile, detectives continue to ask anyone who may have had contact with the screen name anthony_shots to contact law enforcement atabbyandlibbytip@cacoshrf.comor 765-822-3535. Are you serious? In these cases, we have 4-5 separate sources, usually vaguely referred to as inside sources, testifying to the truth of something. Hence, none of his DNA from the forest around the girls is usable. Theyre Delphi related videos comparing his appearance to BG. Tony Kline is 65, 310 pounds! They are within the video. Then email me and and I will give you the link and password and I will also let you into the new forum where you can set up your own name and password. We currently feel that this is the best explanation of the facts. Clearly very familiar with the area of the crime and perhaps knew it as well as the back of his hand. A large crowd attended a St. Joseph County Council committee Tuesday night, as some high profile assistance programs could get funding cuts. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. He posted a photo on Facebook around three weeks to a month after the murders. I saw this being explained in some YT comments to a bunch of brainlets. Still in Delphi, or on the border of Delphi. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. Stabbing of one girl in the neck artery at some point after the above events. Point is that he may have never had ceased offending. Currently, no arrests have been made, and the investigation continues. The fact that we were given little to no information about what really happened to Abby and Libby other than they were murdered by BG) from LE says a lot more to me than LE lets on. Privacy Policy. Dorian Belecamus, a beautiful and bewitching archaeology professor, sees an opportunity to do more than dig into the past: this is her chance to seize control of her country's futureby becoming the Oracle of Delphi . Urinating is no problem, but what if he had to defecate? Abby was the one that had the boyfriend. He got turned in because two brothers for some reason were saying that he was BG. This blood will probably will not come out with the wash. Indiana Cold Cases is similar and so is True Crime Jesus. They had both been murdered. I appreciate your style about not being afraid to put out things others wouldnt dare & or might even get accosted over doing soThose idiots are WEAK& most of them are hypocritesSome of the new YouTubers even, they first bitch about the same thing, then they start a channel, and the next thing you know, their moderators are hacking/choking& putting that ass in the corner for hours before allowing u to crawl back in, all bruised, & compliantNot for me. Weve been proven correct on eight different things that only the police could have known. Wait so the part about him recording the crime is some search warrant given to someone where the cops wanted to check media files? The knife in the log was located near the girls right shoulder. And with the evidence they currently have, they havent proven it. The main suspects DNA is found in the forest around the crime scene. The problem is that there is a main suspect in the case, and it is known that he was near the crime scene from 6:30 PM on the 13th until 9:30 PM on the 14th. Court documents say Richard Allen, 50, admitted to being on the moon High Bridge Trail where the two girls were last seen in 2017. I like some of these guys. Want me to put it up anyway? There are signatures on the document. Actually, Jack, the families do not know at all. Thanks Dee. Hes a local executive of a government function or perhaps better yet a nonprofit of some sort. They say they want to preserve the integrity of the investigation. Education history: Primary and junior high unknown. Via LE Source A, we have learned that in both crimes: The following are unverified rumors with at least some probability of being true: Indiana LE did not validate the rumors about some aspects of the crime scene such as: This is probably one of the flat-out weirdest aspects of the case of all. The conviction is expunged. Another document we have is another search warrant, this time for the Maxwell property. I would think a crime like this would occur and the perpetrator would be gone. Mr. Xs wife, his daughter, and Becky Patty are now putting out a story that Mr. X never lost his keys in the first place. I read most of those posts over there and of course I read any post about me. Summer months. Number 6, an extremely controversial statement, was told to JM and then to us by a sheriff in a nearby county. In the first four years, two LE officers only affirmed one rumor each. Were they are waiting for God Himself to come bring the keys? Logan was never formally named a suspect and never charged in the Delphi murders. He did commit the crime because the younger sketch is just BG in catfish form, his other younger personality that he used to snare victims. Detectives said that after the photo was taken, a man approached the girls and apparently told them to go down the hill.. Delphi Murders: 5 Years Later, Victim's Sister Clinging to Hope That Killer Will Be Caught Kline allegedly told police it was a "coincidence that I happened to talk to her," according to the . Thank you! Twice they were wrong. Not quite sainthood, but getting there. Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. Not long afterwards, the pink stripe was removed from the truck, witnesses say. Im sure that was a LOL feeling for him. Also, you develop better sources. I guess he cant make up his mind. I believe Mr. X is the guy. KAK and his Dad. About eight days after the murders, this man shoots and kills his 16 year old live-in girlfriend while allegedly cleaning his firearm. I get the impression that LE thought that this officer was lying and were trying to offer him some protection. Because that is a deer kit around his waist. He took an undocumented deer trail and evaded the encountering of any individual upon his departure. Nobody has been arrested in the case but details have slowly been revealed about. Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. Good job though, because you confirm much of what Ive seen. If the killer had that weird and I would assume rare fetish with the sticks, branches and stakes, maybe the local sex workers may know exactly who it is? Feel free to post about any unsolved case you think is interesting, high profile preferred. Come on, people. An amateurs look into what profiling techniques could tell us about the murderer of Abigail Williams and Liberty German.Not looking to monetise this dreadful. CM: Not even going to bother to reveal his name. We wish people would stop talking about fingerprints. We all go through shit in our lives, but if she wants to stop making enemies, she can stop picking fights. If he is a poser, which is the worst of the worst, and he has a transport company, that gives him carte blanche to move around in committing more crimes of this nature in different parts of the country as he travels. If this main POI isnt the bridge guy, he is definitely, without a doubt in my mind, involved in the murders of Abby and Libby in some form or fashion. Ill leave it at that. Did he see BG? But how could they possibly know this? The point is that that Mr. Holder had nothing to do with this crime. Copyright 2022 WNDU. I 100% agree about Mr X, and I recently seen a pic of his stepson which I think looks similar to the YBG sketch. Our reporting. He prefers whiskey, its his drink of choice and hes off without it. The only places he differs is where he thinks that the police are wrong! He uses all kinds of weird aliases. Why on Earth would anyone hang around near their vehicle for a full day just because they lost their keys? Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. Carter added the probable cause affidavit. Sure hes a greedy businessman, but I doubt if hes that greedy. Amazing work! Im nothing at all like how they describe me. They think he did it. We believe that the running away and months of therapy were also staged. In other words, they were faked. My ideas, of course, are just speculative like those put forth by others. She mentions how the search parties on the 13th had a hard time finding the girls because they didnt think the were looking for bodies but alive girls and she says additionally, also they were partially covered. What does that mean? They say a forensic analysis found the round had been cycled through a gun belonging to Allen. the healing energy of your hands pdf; Do have any knowledge the workers from Indiana who were transferred over there in 2011-2012, which plant they came from Indiana and which plant they came to work on in Evansdale? I want to be respectful to someone who is innocent until proven guilty also.
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