A group travel proposal may request support only for the travel costs of the proposed activity. Planning proposals do not constitute any commitment on behalf of the PI/co-PI(s) or their organizations to submit a future proposal or carry out a research, education, or infrastructure project, nor do they imply an intent on the part of NSF to support a future proposed project beyond the planning grant. The organizations planfor the proposalmust be disseminated to individuals participating in the off-campus or off-site research prior to departure. This limit includes salary compensation received from all NSF-funded grants. A. Conformance with Instructions for Proposal Preparation, 1. If other pending applications are funded, Dr. XYZ will reduce his effort appropriately. (f) Do not submit any personal information in the Current and Pending (Other) support. (LockLocked padlock) Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable): Chapter II.D.2.i(i) should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal. Total award amount for the entire award period covered (including indirect costs), Number of person-months per year to be devoted by the individual, brief statement of the overall objectives of the project/proposal being proposed or in-kind contribution must be provided, summary of the potential overlap between this proposal and any active or pending proposal or in-kind contribution, Additional details can be found on the NSF, Exporting Current Outside Activities from OAIR (Harvard provided PDF), Exporting Data Use Agreements from the DUA module (Harvard provided PDF), All Harvard individuals who are designated as Key Personnel on an NSF award/subaward are required to report all their research support to NSF via the Current and Pending Support form, which is required at JIT and with each RPPR if their support has changed since the last submission. of the NSF budget. These are typically determined by application of a calculated fringe benefit rate for a particular class of employee (full time or part-time) applied to the salaries and wages requested. If additional time beyond the awarded period of performance end date is necessary to complete the statement of work, and exceptional circumstances warrant, a formal request must be submitted to NSF via . [8] This government-wide certification is not included in SAM and must be submitted as part of an NSF proposal. This does not normally include service on scientific or clinical advisory boards or more general scientific consulting, unless the Principle Investigator or Senior/Key Personnel is anticipated to make a direct and significant intellectual contribution to a specific Research project for the entity. The industrial participant cannot use or receive any NSF funds on a GOALI award with the exception of small businesses that meet these requirements and are not currently funded NSF SBIR/STTR recipients: Must be a small business (fewer than 500 employees) located in the U.S; At least 50% of the companys equity must be owned by U.S. citizens or permanent residents; and. A proposal for travel support, either domestic and/or international, for participation in scientific and engineering meetings is handled by the NSF organizational unit with program responsibility for the area of interest. To access these supercomputers, data storage systems, and other resources, users must apply for allocations through NCAR. [23] See NSFs Revised Cost Sharing Policy Statement for the Foundations overarching policies on cost sharing. Applications are reviewed, and time is allocated according to the needs of the projects and the availability of resources. XSEDE provides the integrating fabric for a collection of very powerful supercomputers, a high-throughput computing environment, high-volume data storage facilities, and advanced visualization services, connected by a high-bandwidth private network. *Project/Proposal Title: Enter the title of each project/proposal being reported. Include, for example, Federal, State, Tribal, territorial, local, foreign, public, or private foundations, non-profit organizations, industrial or other commercial organizations, or internal funds allocated toward specific projects. A brief summary will suffice for auxiliary users; and. EAGER proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. (See Chapter II.D.2.d.(iv).) While training plans are not required to be included in proposals submitted to NSF, institutions are advised that they are subject to review upon request. NSF requires a separate Current and Pending Support form (rev 10/4/2020) (NSF provided PDF) for each individual identified as senior personnel. There are five separate categories of information which correspond to the five tables in the COA template: List the individuals last name, first name, middle initial, and organizational affiliation in the last 12 months. Simultaneous submission of proposals allows multiple organizations to submit a unified set of certain proposal sections, as well as information unique to each organization as specified below. The project title will be preceded by the prefix EAGER:. Renewed funding of an EAGER award may be requested only through submission of a Traditional or Accomplishment-Based Renewal proposal that will be subject to full external merit review. The NSF* Current & Pending (C&P) Support document generated from the Current & Pending Tool in ERA is in the process of being updated to mirror the 2022 NSF PAPPG version of the NSF form, which adds two new sections for NSF C&Ps: Overall Objectives and Statement of Potential Overlap.However, the ERA update will not occur until later this Fall. All proposals will be evaluated through use of the two National Science Board (NSB)-approved merit review criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts. NSF specifies that the list must include the following, whether or not remuneration is received and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). Violation of disclosure requirements may lead to criminal, civil, and/or administrative consequences as may be deemed appropriate based upon the particular facts of the violation. Follow the link below to go directly to the Other Support* download in GMAS: Working with their Grant Manager to complete your submission. The results must be separately described under two distinct headings: Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts; (d) a listing of the publications resulting from the NSF award (a complete bibliographic citation for each publication must be provided either in this section or in the References Cited section of the proposal); if none, state No publications were produced under this award., (e) evidence of research products and their availability, including, but not limited to: data, publications, samples, physical collections, software, and models, as described in any Data Management Plan; and. The National Science Board issued a report entitled "Investing in the Future: NSF Cost Sharing Policies for a Robust Federal Research Enterprise" (NSB 09-20, August 3, 2009), which contained eight recommendations for NSF regarding cost sharing. *Source of Support: Identify the entity for each proposal and/or award that is providing the support. Proposers must be especially careful to follow accepted scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing any section of the proposal. See Chapter I.E. To receive funding as a RAISE-appropriate project, all three criteria must be met. Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. Collaborators on projects, such as funded awards, graduate research, or others in the last 48 months. In the interim, proposers may continue to prepare and submit this document via use of SciENcv or the NSF fillable PDF. Inclusion of additional information beyond that specified within the PAPPG may result in the proposal being returned without review. The total amount of funds requested by the proposer. (ii) Entertainment. Consultant Services and Speaker Fees. [35] See the table entitled, NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance Pre- and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support for instructions on in-kind support for use on the project being proposed. (2) for other NSF awards when more than $25,000 has been budgeted in the proposal for repair, alteration, or improvement (construction) of a building or facility. If external review is to be obtained, then the PI will be informed in the interest of maintaining the transparency of the review and recommendation process. The proposer is not required to submit the meeting organizers policy or code-of-conduct for review by NSF. Co-authors on any book, article, report, abstract or paper with collaboration in the last 48 months (publication date may be later); and. If the individual is reporting person-months that span two calendar years, the individual should enter the latter year. For postdoctoral associates and other professionals, the total number of persons for each position must be listed, with the number of full-time-equivalent person-months and total amount of salaries requested per year. If a decision is made to fund the proposal, a signed copy of the IRB approval letter must be provided to the cognizant program prior to award. Proposers should include an aggregated description of the internal and external resources (both physical and personnel) that the organization and its collaborators, and subawardees will provide to the project, should it be funded. (See Chapter II.D.2i(ii)). See Chapter I.D.1 for additional information on Concept Outlines. For each proposal that proposes to conduct research off-campus or off site, the AOR must complete a certification that the organization has a plan in placefor this proposal regarding safe and inclusive working environments. Submitting finalized Biosketch and Current and Pending Support to NSF. (4) In-Kind Contributions (see PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.h(ii)(g)(iv)) The information provided in support of a reasonable accommodation request is confidential and available only to designated agency staff that are responsible for providing and/or coordinating accommodation services. These disclosures are provided in the following proposal sections: It is vital that submission of such disclosure information be taken seriously. In addition to standard research proposals that follow the proposal preparation instructions contained in sections A through D of this chapter, there are other types of proposals that may be submitted to NSF. "Control" in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. In the Type of Relationship column please specify the personal, family, or business relationship involved. For each proposal that describes an international activity, PIs should list the primary countries involved on the Cover Sheet. Such deviation authorizations must be uploaded as a single-copy document and include the name, date, and title of the NSF official, and the nature of the deviation authorized. If IACUC approval has not been obtained prior to submission, the proposer should indicate "Pending" in the space provided for the approval date. 287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. [7] Detailed instructions for completion of this process are available in Research.gov. Consistent with 2 CFR 200.332, NSF recipients must use the domestic subrecipients applicable U.S. Proposers should not submit the plan to NSF for review. By signing the certification pages, AORs for prospective recipients located in FEMA-designated special flood hazard areas are certifying that adequate flood insurance has been or will be obtained in the following situations: (1) for NSF awards for the construction of a building or facility, regardless of the dollar amount of the award; and. All proposals must be received by the deadline date specified in the NSF funding opportunity. Pending all in-kind contributions currently under consideration from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. For research infrastructure projects, the project/performance site should correspond to the physical location of the asset. The AOR must use the "Authorized Organizational Representative function" to sign and submit the proposal, including NSF-specific proposal certifications. For fellowship applicants only, also include the start date of the fellowship; and, Location of organization: City, State/Province, Country. There is commitment overlap for Dr. XYZ between 5R01WE1234546-01 and the application under consideration. Based on the information provided in the indirect cost proposal, NSF may negotiate an award-specific rate to be used only on the award currently being considered for funding or may issue a formally negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA). The award size and duration will be consistent with the project scope. Where applicable, the box for Historic Places must be checked on the Cover Sheet. In addition, the supplementary documentation section should alert NSF officials to unusual circumstances that require special handling, including, for example, proprietary or other privileged information in the proposal, matters affecting individual privacy, required intergovernmental review under E.O. (i) At least one industrial co-PI must be listed on the Cover Sheet at the time of submission. See Chapter II.F.7 for information on FASED, and, for the other programs identified, consult the relevant solicitation or Dear Colleague Letter. What critical role do the partner(s) bring to the collaboration without which the proposed project cannot be successfully executed? It is, however, meant to highlight certain critical items so they will not be overlooked when the proposal is prepared. Each section of the proposal that is uploaded as a file should leave out page numbering unless otherwise directed within Research.gov. The policy or code-of-conduct must address the method for making a complaint as well as how any complaints received during the conference will be resolved. Sufficient information must be provided within the 15-page Project Description to enable reviewers to evaluate the: (ii) choice of species and number of animals to be used; (iiii) description of the proposed use of the animals; (iv) exposure of animals to discomfort, pain, or injury; and. A co-PI on a new proposal should designate the PI as the substitute negotiator. CLB supplemental funding requests will usually be reviewed internally unless the program officer determines that the advice of external reviewers is essential. International Research/Education/Training Activities. hbbd```b``"gIC, fH-0&c\0L &@rHOMe`6h?/ 0 )), the National Historic Preservation Act (54 USC 306108 [previously codified at 16 USC 470, et seq. (d) Consistent with NSPM-33, senior personnel are required to disclose contracts associated with participation in programs sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities, or entities, including foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs[32]. A justification based on the established computer service rates at the proposing organization must be included. The process or method for making incident reports as well as how any reports received will be resolved should also be accounted for. As this is a primary concern of Federal agencies, please be clear in your explanations. Off-Campus or Off-Site Research For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft. Incentive payments should be proposed in accordance with organizational policies and procedures. (iv) The costs are not also recovered as indirect costs. 169 0 obj <>stream [25] For further information on procedures for inclusion of programmatic cost sharing in an NSF solicitation, see: http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/csdocs/principles.pdf. When costs typically considered as entertainment are necessary to accomplish the proposed objectives, they must be included in the budget and justified in the budget justification. The prospective PI will receive an email from the cognizant NSF program officer that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. Current and Pending Support: The support requested or available from other Federal agencies and other sources. Building the Future: Investing in Discovery and Innovation - NSF Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2018 2022. Such requests should include a brief description of the proposed activity, a budget, and a budget justification, in addition to items (ii)-(iv) above. *Primary Place of Performance: Identify the primary location where the project or activity is being executed. Research infrastructure includes major research instrumentation, mid-scale projects and major facilities. See Chapter I.E for additional information on the content requirements. The Ideas Lab concept incorporates a "guided creativity" process, thus the use of a facilitator(s) is included, both to guide the creation of interdisciplinary teams and the creative development of ideas, and to ensure that the workshop progresses in a productive manner. (45CFR46.102(l)). Depending on the facts surrounding the violation, and consistent with due process requirements, NSF may consider a range of actions. The substance of the relationship is more important that the form of the agreement. Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recipients may request supplemental funding: To support additional personnel (e.g., a technician or research assistant) to sustain the research of the NSF Graduate Research Fellow on approved medical deferral due to primary dependent care (family leave) situations. Such information must be clearly marked in the proposal and be appropriately labeled with a legend such as, "The following is (proprietary or confidential) information that (name of proposing organization) requests not be released to persons outside the Government, except for purposes of review and evaluation. Their name(s) will remain on the Cover Sheet and the individual(s) role on the project should be described in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal. 287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. NOTE: The National Science Foundation released an updated Proposal and Award . The table identifies where these disclosures must be provided in proposals as well as in project reports. (iv) Certification Regarding Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR): Note: The requirement specified in Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 USC 1862o1), as amended, to have a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research will go into effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after July 31, 2023. Enter the number of person-months (even if unsalaried) for the current budget period and enter the proposed person-months for each subsequent budget period. Requests may be for up to $300K (including indirect costs) and up to two years in duration. *Statement of Potential Overlap: Provide a description of the potential overlap with any pending proposal or award and this proposal in terms of scope, budget, or person-months planned or committed to the project by the individual. See also 2 CFR 200.438. harm or potential harm to NSF, the Federal Government, U.S. taxpayers, and other national interests; intent of the offender; . The budget justification provides a more detailed breakdown of proposed spending in each category as well as a justification supporting the numbers provided in each budget category. 287, 1001, 1031 and 31 U.S.C. A woman-owned business must be at least 51 percent owned by a woman or women, who also control and operate it. Potential commitment overlap exists. More information about the system and how researchers can request access can be found on the Frontera website. Paper size must be no larger than standard letter paper size (8 by 11). Submissions of proposals and progress reports are due to your Schools submitting office according to their deadline policy for review and authorization. This will aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this type of proposal. Collecting their disclosure information from GMAS. Foreign organizations that do not have a current U.S. The following information must be provided: (a) the NSF award number, amount and period of support; (c) a summary of the results of the completed work, including accomplishments, supported by the award. See Chapter V for further information. - Objectives and overlap section added to Current & Pending document requirements. Results may be summarized in fewer than five pages, which would give the balance of the 15 pages for the Project Description. Mentoring activities provided to postdoctoral researchers supported on the project will be evaluated under the Broader Impacts review criterion. Persons with disabilities eligible for facilitation awards include PIs, other senior personnel, and graduate and undergraduate students. project by the individual." NSF uses the information provided to assess the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed, as well as to help assess any potential overlap/duplication with the project being proposed. In accordance with Section 223(a)(1) of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (42 USC 6605(a)(1)),senior personnel are required to certify in SciENcv that the information provided in their Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support documents are accurate, current, and complete. Section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (Public Law 115-232) prohibits the head of an executive agency from obligating or expending loan or grant funds to procure or obtain, extend, or renew a contract to procure or obtain, or enter into a contract (or extend or renew a contract) to procure or obtain the equipment, services, or systems as identified in section 889 of the NDAA for FY 2019. While NSF will make every effort to prevent unauthorized access to such material, the Foundation is not responsible or in any way liable for the release of such material. Prospective recipients should contact their local government or a Federally-insured financial institution to determine what areas are identified as having special flood hazards and the availability of flood insurance in their community. An NSF funding opportunity that includes RAPID proposals will provide specific guidance on submission of Concept Outlines using either email or via ProSPCT. See Chapter II.D.2.f(vi)(e) for further instructions on proposals that contain subawards. RAISE is not intended to be used for projects that can be accommodated within other types of proposals or that continue well established practices. PIs should consult their organizations SPO for unusual situations (e.g., a long lead time for procurement) that create problems regarding the proposed start date. NSF provides support for a variety of individual Centers and Centers programs that contribute to the Foundation's vision as outlined in the NSF Strategic Plan. This includes: A systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied. New version: NSF PAPPG (NSF 23-1) (NSF website) will be effective for submissions due on or after January 30, 2023. sponsored fellow supporting your laboratorys research efforts), Positions, affiliations, and appointments that are related to a foreign talent (or similar type) program, All other resources (domestic or foreign) available in direct support of your research endeavors, Detailed information about the content is available in the, NSF requires a separate Current and Pending Support form. For research infrastructure that is mobile or geographically distributed, information for the primary site or organizational headquarters (as defined by the proposer) should be provided. 3729-3733 and 3802. Research proposals to the Biological Sciences Directorate ONLY (not proposals for conferences) cannot be duplicates of proposals to any other Federal agency for simultaneous consideration. If the primary purpose is to speak or assist with management of the conference, then such costs should be budgeted in appropriate categories other than participant support. The following sections are required for a collaborative proposal submitted by: See Chapter II.D.2.i for additional guidance on the mentoring and data management plan requirements for collaborative proposals. An editor-in-chief must list the entire editorial board. Decisions on reasonable accommodations are made by the DPM, in concert with applicable agency officials and based on the information provided. The specific nature, purpose, and need for equipment or assistance should be described in sufficient detail in the proposal to permit evaluation by knowledgeable reviewers. More information on accessing dHTC services and computing capacity can be found on the PATh website. The amount for indirect costs must be calculated by applying the current negotiated indirect cost rate(s) to the approved base(s), and such amounts must be specified in the budget justification. Costs of employees on travel status are limited to those specifically authorized by 2 CFR 200.475. (v) In order for NSF to comply with Federal Environmental Statutes (including, but not limited to, the National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC 4321, et seq. No-cost extensions and requests for supplemental funding will be processed in accordance with standard NSF policies and procedures. No NSF funds may be requested or spent for alcoholic beverages. EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), 4. PIs will receive an email from the cognizant NSF program officer that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. It is important to note that the acquisition cost of equipment includes modifications, attachments, and accessories necessary to make an item of equipment usable for the purpose for which it will be purchased. Each proposal must contain a budget for each year of support requested. NSF will combine the proposal submission for printing or electronic viewing. This statement must include all of the information requested on the proposal budget for each person involved. . Refer toFederal Research Terms and Conditions (NSF Website). See Chapter V for guidance on preparation of renewal proposals. Requests are made in conjunction with regular competitive proposals, or as a supplemental funding request to an existing NSF award. Chapter VII.B.1 specifies procedures for use by the recipient when there are postaward changes to objectives, scope, or methods/procedures. When mandatory cost sharing is included on Line M, and accepted by the Foundation, the commitment of funds becomes legally binding and is subject to audit. The role of the Ideas Lab panel is to provide an assessment of the project ideas developed during the Ideas Lab. Accordingly, for each proposal that proposes to conduct research off-campus or off site, Conformance with Instructions for Proposal Preparation, Deviations from NSF Proposal Preparation and Submission Requirements, Requests for Reasonable and Accessibility Accommodations, Proposal Font, Spacing and Margin Requirements, Authorization to Deviate from NSF Proposal Preparation Requirements, List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include, Proposal Certifications Provided by the Organization, Certification Provided by Senior Personnel, Submission of Proposals by Former NSF Staff, Page Limitations and Inclusion of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) within the Project Description, Administrative and Clerical Salaries & Wages Policy, Materials and Supplies (including Costs of Computing Devices), Consultant Services (also referred to as Professional Service Costs), Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment, Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources, Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information, Special Information and Supplementary Documentation, Plans for Data Management and Sharing of the Products of Research, Rationale for Performance of All or Part of the Project Off-campus or Away from Organizational Headquarters, Documentation of Collaborative Arrangements of Significance to the Proposal through Letters of Collaboration, Research in a Location Designated, or Eligible to be Designated, a Registered Historic Place, Research Involving Field Experiments with Genetically Engineered Organisms, Documentation Regarding Research Involving the Use of Human Subjects, Hazardous Materials, Live Vertebrate Animals, or Endangered Species, Special Components in New Proposals or in Requests for Supplemental Funding, Beginning Investigators (applies to proposals submitted to the Biological Sciences Directorate only), Proposals Involving Live Vertebrate Animals, Potential Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC), Projects Requiring High-Performance Computing Resources, Data Infrastructure or Advanced Visualization Resources, Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research, EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER), Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE), Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI), Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED), Career Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests. 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